User Listings

by emwa

DISABILITY ADVOCATE Shitaye has BA Degree in Foreign Language and Literature (Non-teaching/Journalism) and MA Degree in Gender Studies both from Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia.  She has also earned Diploma in Mainstreaming Disability Equality in the World of Work as well as Certificate in Gender Mainstreaming Training from the International Labor organization’s Training Center (ITC) in Turin, Italy.  Shitaye has more than twenty years of work experience in disability rights advocacy and promotion of disability inclusive development programs of different organizations. She has served the Federation of Ethiopian Associations of persons with Disabilities (FEAPD) at the capacities of Training Officer and executive Director, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) as its National Program Manager and Team Leader for the global project bridging the Gap II (BtG II): Inclusive Policies and Services for Equal Rights of Persons with Disabilities. She is also serving as facilitator of disability awareness sessions and trainer of different capacity building training programs of mainstream development programs and projects of several development partners, international nongovernmental institutions, governmental institutions and advocacy groups. Shitaye is an Alumni of Bridge CRPD-SDGs West-East Africa capacity building program which is lead and coordinated by the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities in general and the rights of women with disabilities in particular. Currently she is working for the African Disability Forum (ADF) at the capacity of Director for Advocacy and Communication and oversees the proper implementation of Young African Women with Disabilities Leadership Program; and she is also the Board chair for Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD).

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911443712

by emwa

DISABILITY ADVOCATE Tigist is an advocate on disability inclusion, deaf sign language, deaf culture. She is a deaf advocate. Her deafness has no limitation in her life. Her educational back ground and work experience helped her to be in the disability movement. She has BA degree in Ethiopian sign language and deaf culture and an MA in Special Needs Education from Addis Ababa University. She was the former director of Association of the Deaf (ENAD). She has volunteered to convince the government to give the right for the deaf community to drive cars and succeeded. Since January 2022, she has joined Teki paper bags as a project manager. She has found an NGO to help children living with disabilities through innovative, inclusive education programs. She is now a board member at Light for the World global.

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  • Mobile Number: 251911018104

by emwa

LITERATURE/LANGUAGE RESEARCHER Abeba is an instructor and Researcher in English Literature at Addis Ababa University. Her research interest is literature, culture, gender and media studies. She is the director of grievance handling office at Addis Ababa University. She was head for department of culture and social studies and head gender office of Institute of Language Studies. She has several research papers related to representation of women in the Arts.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911623612

by emwa

LANGUAGE/LITERATURE/JOURNALISM  Agaredech has received BA in Ethiopian Languages and Literature and MA in English Literature from Addis Ababa University. She holds a PhD in Sociology. She has worked as a journalist at Addis Zemen Newspaper and was the senior assistant instructor for the former Ethiopian Mass Media Institute which was the first school of journalism in Ethiopia. Currently, she is an assistant professor at school of journalism and communication at Addis Ababa University.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911243011

by emwa

EDUCATOR/PUBLIC HEALTH  Frewoyni is a lecturer in the College of  Social Sciences at Semera University.  She has BA in public health and Master’s in MPH. She has served in Dubti Hospital and Aysayita Health center for ten years in reproductive health. It was a challenge for her to work in these institutions in a society that does not value women in such positions but she has secured their trust through her hard work. She has served as a lecturer in Semera University in the college of social sciences for the last seven years.  She is engaged in activities that focus towards prevention of gender-based violence.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911959307

by emwa

SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATOR Gelila has been serving the Ethiopian Deaf Community for the last 23 years. She provided several educational and vocational training to the community and established and set up a vocational center. She is the first to start a feeding program in two deaf schools in Addis Ababa. She worked with four deaf schools, providing educational and vocational supplies raising awareness and linking the schools to local and international NGOs. She also produced sign language DVDs for vocational training center and for hearing parents and families with deaf children. Gelila is now working at the Geneva International School extended support program.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 41792007549

by emwa

LANGUAGE/LITERATURE   Genet is a University Lecturer in the English Language department at Dire Dawa University for the past 5 years. She also served as the head of the department. Despite her duty at the University, Genet involves in various volunteering activities in the university and the city. Among the activities, she facilitated English language proficiency test preparation training in collaboration with the British Council for 20 female staff of the university. She also provided personal development training for female Dire Dawa secondary school students. Additionally, she has served as a deputy chairperson of the Academia women's network. Since 2020 Genet is serving as a volunteer to teach the English language at US Embassy Dire Dawa American space corner further to this she is part of a program on youth empowerment concerning their personal development. She has been recognized by the embassy for her achievements. Currently, she is a personal development trainer of young people, with EMG consulting. She is a certified Master trainer by the Master Card Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of labor and skills and the American College of Technology.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911776525

by emwa

EDUCATOR Haregewoin is an education specialist and has ample experience of more than 18 years in the Ethiopian education sector.  She has opened her school in 2005 aiming to give needy children quality education rooted in basic life values. Haregewoin has always been driven  by a passion for the poor. The school has a status of ""sole proprietorship “. It invests back to the community and is located in the Gofa community.  Some of the programs the school involves are a full sponsorship  program, a feeding program, Mother’s health coverage, and adult literacy. She has been teaching an average of 500 students every year, giving them all the quality education, they deserve. Haregewoin has involved in training teachers and school Administrators in self and job development for the last eight years.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251912672338

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