User Listings

by emwa

BUSINESS OWNER  Radi has diploma in Nursing from Semera Health College and has worked as an officer in DKT Ethiopia.  She has received her bachelor’s degree in Business Management and started a private business in the construction sector.  Radi has established animal posts, health posts and schools in areas where such infrastructure was nonexistent. She is well experienced in constructing basic infrastructure through her own constriction company, she has a plan to expand her expertise in infrastructure building in the agricultural sector as well. Radi is now pursuing her Master’s in Business management in Semera University.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911193491

by emwa

ACCOUNTING/FINANCE Tiringo is Assistant professor in the accounting and finance department of the College of Business and Economics. She has got her BA from Debre Birhan University and completed her PHD in accounting and finance. She has published her research works in renowned journals. She also serves as board member in real estates and share companies in Bahir Dar town.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251924325243

by emwa

PSYCHOLOGIST Metasebia is a psychologist by profession. She has BA in psychology and a Masters in Sociology. She worked on vulnerable children and communities in both government and non-government organizations. She has started her career working in a center for Juvenile delinquents as a guidance and counseling officer forty years ago. Thereafter she worked as a counselor and coordinator of social services in GOs' a psychosocial support technical specialist in International NGO's, an executive director, manager and a trainer in NGOs, a consultant and a manager in private sector and she is a trained Montessorian. She has been running a kindergarten for more than twelve years in my community and now run a community day care center called best day care, that follows Montessori methodology. She has a certificate in Montessori Education from March 2018 - May 2019 from Water Park Institute, Norway, she is one of the lead trainers in national daycare assistant training and on parenting training and counseling.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911227117

by emwa

PSYCHIATRIST Yefrezer is a psychiatrist interested in health promotion and justice in health care (especially mental health). She is also a volunteer at yetena weg.  

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251934293968

by emwa

PSYCHOLOGIST Betselot has Master's degree in Social Psychology from Addis Ababa University and has received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Wolaita Sodo University. She has worked with international and local NGOs to support the refugee community and sexually abused children, which is an international NGO with the capacity of a child protection counselor and PSEA focal point for eight years. She has extensive experience as a child protection counselor for refugee children and their families in providing overall psychosocial support (including MHPSS and SGBV cases) counseling, as well as training. In 2020, she founded the Child Well-being Media Center Charitable Organization, an NGO dedicated to child protection and GBV. In addition, the organization assists abused children by providing psychosocial support and media advocacy.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251912083627

by emwa

COUNSELOR/PSYCHOLOGIST Mastewal is an Assistant Professor at Addis Ababa University, School of Psychology and a Member of the House of Peoples' Representatives of the FDRE. She had been working as an Assistant Professor of Mental Health and School Counseling at South Eastern Oklahoma State University (U.S.A). She has an interdisciplinary educational background from different universities: counselor education and supervision (Ph.D.), youth and family development (MA), public health and society (M.Sc.), social psychology (MA), psychology (BA) from USA, the Netherlands, and Ethiopia. Mastewal has more than 15 years of work experience in teaching, research, counseling, and leadership.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251913291805

by emwa

CIVIL SOCIETY CONSULTANT Aster has over 25 years of multi-sectoral experience in the civic sector in Ethiopia and Lesotho. Her sectoral expertise includes governance, conflict mitigation & peacebuilding, women’s empowerment and gender inclusion, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, livelihood, and vulnerable children. She has worked on system strengthening – developing capacities of civil society organizations (CSOs), government institutions and communities at federal and regional levels in Ethiopia, and abroad. Aster is an experienced trainer and facilitator. She has undertaken research; she has helped to found several civil society organizations and serves on various CSO boards on voluntary basis. She is currently a freelance consultant – her sectoral focus being democracy/governance, peacebuilding, system strengthening and women’s empowerment. She has a BSc. and MBA in management.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251929345608

by emwa

HUMANITARIAN/DEVELOPMENT Aynalem is a Project, Program, Grants & Operations Management Specialist who is practical, results-oriented, and vision- driven professional with over 18 years of proven experience in the Development & Humanitarian interventions, having MA in Organizational Management &Finance from University of London. Proven experience in strategic development and program design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; competent manager with considerable knowledge of working and theoretical knowledge of Operations Management Passionate about aligning business interests with development objectives, leveraging donor resources with commercial assets and vice versa, hence interventions are impactful & inclusive.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911164658

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