User Listings

by emwa

MEDIA DEVELOPMENT/COMMUNICATION/JOURNALISM Abaynesh currently is a Social Behavior Change Communication/SBCC/ expert with a journalism background. She has worked as a radio journalist for 19 years at different levels in Radio Ethiopia and then joined the NGO sector and worked as a Social Behavior Change Communication/ SBCC/ expert and advisor in the area of health and social development for over 15 years. She has built her Gender related knowledge since her days in Radio Ethiopia and then during her experience as a SBCC expert. As a woman radio journalist who have faced many challenges, she had contributed and still contributing a lot in building the capacity of media women in the area of Gender and Media through the Ethiopia Media Women Association. Currently she is working as a Media and Communication consultant and Advisor in SBCC. Her area of work covers SBCC strategy development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of SBC programs, development of training manuals, discussion guides, handbooks etc. and provision of training on media, Gender, Alternative Child Care and SBCC related programs. Abaynesh is a MA graduate in Social Psychology from Addis Ababa University.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251921732901

by emwa

EDITOR/COMMUNICATOR Elizabeth is working at Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) as Scientific Papers Editor and Communication Director.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911124015

by emwa

JOURNALIST Elsa has more than 15 years of experience in radio and television journalism. As a program producer at Fana Broadcasting Corporation, she has gained popularity among the listeners by hosting the 90-minutes and 120-minutes live broadcasts, which were very popular and well-liked by the listeners and was the top show of Fana Broadcasting. She also worked as a newsreader at Addis TV. Currently, in addition to her own radio program SILEGNA, she is also the co-host of MESSE RESORT at Bisrat FM 101.1.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911235788

by emwa

GENDER/COMMUNICATION Elshaday is a communications expert with wide-ranging experience in the media and communications field ranging from documentary filmmaking to providing strategic communications direction and media relations. Through her various capacities in the field, she has developed an extensive knowledge of Ethiopia's mainstream and social media landscape. She houses a lifetime commitment to social justice, gender equality and community development to which she has been contributing her share through storytelling and generating human interest communications for advocacy on gender equality, development and humanitarian contexts. Elshaday holds a Master of Science Degree in Media and Communications from the University of Liverpool and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Management from Addis Ababa University.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251923279968

by emwa

JOURNALIST/PRODUCER Emebet has MA in Journalism and Communications and BA in Television journalism from Addis Ababa University. Her major expertise areas are lead and master trainer of electoral actors, fact checking for media professionals, screen writing for women professionals, online fact checking training for women editors and senior journalists, radio feature making, radio production, digital editing using adobe audition, program narrative, planning, recording and production. She worked as program coordinator, editor and show producer at LTV, news, health, women and youth program editor at Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation /EBC/, and women and youth program Editor at FM 97.1.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911480082

by emwa

GENDER/COMMUNICATION/PUBLIC SPEAKING Ethiopis is a Communications Specialist with vast experience in communications and advocacy work. She is a Distinguished Toastmaster, public speaking coach and soft skills trainer. Ethiopis has a keen passion for youth empowerment and development, which derives from her desire to address Ethiopia's critical issue of youth unemployment. She has dedicated much of her time to supporting unemployed youth in developing skills by delivering soft skills and employability trainings, as well as mentoring.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251913066582

by emwa

GENDER/COMMUNICATION Hilina has Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication and Master’s in Gender Studies from  Bahir Dar University. She has served as a journalist  for over 15 years.  She has served as a reporter, editor of entertainment programs and Head of online monitoring department in Amhara Media Corporation.  She has prepared notable programs on disability and gender and a strong program called Agenda which focuses on issues called hard in the media circle.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251918766916

by emwa

JOURNALIST/EVENT ORGANIZER  Kibre has MA in Journalism and Communication and BA in management from Addis Ababa University. She has worked as a journalist at reporter newspaper and was senior producer of various programs at Fana Broadcasting Corporate. She has worked with the TV show Ethiopian Idol as a weekly host and facilitator. Kibre was also a producer of Etege show with Arts Tv. She is currently working at Bisrat FM 101.1 on different social and health issues.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911606626

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