User Listings

by emwa

GENDER/AUDIT/SOCIAL AFFAIRS   Mulumebet has BA degree in Political Science and International Relations and MA in Gender Studies from Addis Ababa University. She has worked for thirty five years in government organizations in different capacities mostly in managerial positions including :-Head of Women’s Affairs Departments in Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,]; Director, Gender, and Social Affairs Directorate in Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority;  Head, Administration and Finance Departments in Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD); and Office of the Federal Auditor General (OFAG);  Head, Organization and Management Division, (OFAG);  Head personnel administration and General Service in Ministry of Agriculture MoA;  Head, Division and Manpower Record and Statistics in Ministry of Agriculture. She has conducted gender audits for six different government and non-government organizations and produced Gender Mainstreaming guidelines. In addition, she has served as one of the team members in the preparation of Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines and Gender Training Modules by Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs (MoWCYA). As an associate member of the Ethiopian Management Institute (EMI), she has produced five training modules in relation to gender for “Gender Development Management Course” and provide trainings on different topics on gender. 

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  • Mobile Number: 251913544622

by emwa

GENDER/LECTURER/RESEARCHER  Mulumebet is associate professor at Center for Gender Studies, College of Development Studies, Addis Ababa University. She was director of the Institute of Gender Studies of Addis Ababa University from March 2008 to February 2010. She has a wide experience in research and fieldwork in various parts of Ethiopia. Her research works have mainly been in the areas of gender and education, literature, women’s networks, sexuality and reproductive health. Her research findings have been published in international journals and books. She has also participated at various national and international conferences and presented papers. Mulumebet has been involved in gender training and gender advisory work. She has served as board and advisory committee member of various local and international organizations.          

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  • Mobile Number: 251911627413

by emwa

GENDER/WOMEN RIGHTS Selamawit is a Pan-African feminist, consultant, and writer who grounds her work in intersectional feminist politics as the foundation for disrupting unequal power structures. For several years now, she has engaged in this work at a national, regional, and international level at organizations such as Earuyan Solutions, UN Women, Black Feminist Futures, FRIDA| the Young Feminist Fund, Internews, and others. Trained in economics and public health, her areas of interest and expertise have grown around feminist economics policies, programming and capacity building of grassroots movements to transit to civic society organizations, and feminist internet and digital security. She currently founded a digital platform, She Secures, that advocates for the digital rights and internet freedom of women.

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  • Mobile Number: 251921337869

by emwa

GENDER/NUTRITION/AGRICULTURE/JOURNALIST Selamawit has MA degree in Gender Studies. She has got her BA degree in Foreign Languages and Literature (major English and Minor Geography) from Addis Ababa University in 2001. She took short courses to strengthen her career, among others making agriculture work for nutrition and food systems approaches from Wageningen University and research (WUR). Currently she is working as a gender specialist at Alliance Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Since she has her MA in 2013, she has served as full time and part time gender professional at different organizations and at different levels. She has worked as gender project manager, gender advisor, gender and nutrition expert, senior technical expert-gender, youth and nutrition for Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporter Association (EHPEA), CARE Ethiopia, Bilateral Ethiopian Netherlands Efforts for Food, Income and Trade (BENEFIT), Agricultural Transformation Institute (ATI) respectively. Her career in gender gave her opportunities to travel to different parts of Ethiopia and understand rural women and girls’ issues, efforts that have been made by government and non-government partners to empower women. She was also involved in part-time consultancy tasks for PSI-Ethiopia, Ethiopian Media Women Association and ABidan  Consultancy, and understand about issues of commercial sex workers, latrine utilization of Afar areas, evaluation of self-help groups  approached implemented with support of  Danish Church Aid (DCA).  

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251913008226

by emwa

MEDIA/GENDER Selome worked for radio Ethiopia as a reporter, senior editor, and coordinator. In addition, she was co-founder and Coordinator of FM Addis 97.1, the first FM radio station in Ethiopia. She worked for Deutsch Welle in Germany Cologne and Bonn, as a Senior Editor.  Later, she joined Population Media Center (PMC) as Senior Editor and Radio Programs Coordinator. Leaving PMC, she was hired by Global Press Institute (GPI) as Country Editor. Her significant roles were coordinating and giving trainings; translating and preparing training materials on girls' issues related to media campaigns; and lastly writing and editing scripts posted on GPI's Newswire. She also worked for Internews as Media Monitoring Expert attached to the Ethiopian Media Authority (EMA). Her role was monitoring broadcasting media before and during the 2021 election period. She also provided guidance to EMA’s media monitors by sharing ideas, and editing their reports. Selome, who received B.A in Foreign Language and Literature from Addis Ababa University has been engaged in gender and media advocacy. She conducted, co-conducted, and coordinated some research and training activities in relation to the media. Currently, she is persisting with this engagement. Her unique passion is participating in volunteer activities. As a member, she worked for the survival of the Ethiopian Media Women Association and the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association. She is participating as a member of the Women’s Health Association of Ethiopia, Ethiopian Women Human Rights Defenders Network, and currently, as President of Soroptimist International Addis Ababa Club.  

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911227781

by emwa

GENDER/RESEARCHER/TRAINER Siyane has been working in the field of education, sexual reproductive health rights, and gender research and training for more than a decade. She is finalizing her Ph.D studies by researching the policy and practice of sexuality education in the context of Ethiopia and Uganda at Addis Ababa University. She has so far co-authored three publications on internationally reputable journals and writing ongoing studies. Siyane has been involved in running training for ministerial-level experts, media professionals and civil service officers. She is currently working for the Center for International Reproductive Health and Training (CIRHT) on Sexual reproductive health rights research and advocacy.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911077372

by emwa

IMMUNO-HEMATOLOGY Aster is a Professor of Immuo-Hematology, at the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Health Sciences, of Addis Ababa University. She obtained her BSc (Biology, minor Chemistry) and MSc (Zoology) from Addis Ababa University; PhD in HIV Immunology from University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Aster has more than 30 years of experience providing routine clinical laboratory diagnostic services in Hematology, Serology and Immunology laboratories; Research (in the field of Immunology/Hematology, HIV/AIDS and other infectious & non-infectious diseases); Teaching medical laboratory professionals; and Leading/managing Laboratories, Department, School and the largest Teaching Hospital. Her leadership experience include: Head of Hematology Laboratory, Manager of The Ethio-Netherlands AIDS Research Project Laboratory, Research & Training Coordinator of the National HIV Laboratory, Director School of Medical Laboratory Technology, CEO of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, and Dean Sante Medical College during sabbatical leave. She has authored or co-authored about 110 Scientific Publications and has advised/co-advised over 150 graduate students (including 3 completed 8 ongoing PhD students). In collaboration with CDC and the American Society of Clinical Pathology, she has initiated and led the efforts of harmonizing National Medical Laboratory Science curriculum and the writing of Teaching materials for all medical laboratory professional courses. She is currently engaged in bringing more women in science and research through mentoring and providing trainings. She is the recipient of awards for outstanding contribution to the field of Medical Laboratory Science Profession; outstanding contribution in HIV/AIDS training from JHPIEGO; best scientific research from Ethiopian Medical Association (twice), and from College of Health Sciences of AAU, Exemplary Female Researcher from Ministry of Higher Education (MoSHE); Outstanding Female Researcher of CHS, AAU and recognition from Patient Associations (Hemophilia, Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia, Podoconiosis). She is a member Research Committee of African Forum for Research and Education in Health (AFREhealth); V/Board chair Cancer Care Ethiopia; founder and President of the Society of Ethiopian Women in Science and Technology; Fellow & Executive Board of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences.  

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911696085

by emwa

SURGEON/LECTURER Alpha is an assistant professor of orthopedic and trauma surgery, as well as a consultant surgeon. She has received her medical degree from Addis Ababa University in 2017. Her research interests include trauma care, surgical systems strengthening, preventing trauma-related death and disability, road and occupational safety, and osteoporosis, specifically fragility fractures. She has publications in reputable journals and is interested in implementing innovative measures to improve clinical service. She is an aspiring global surgery leader seeking experience in advocacy and evidence-informed policy development.

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  • Mobile Number: 251913827282

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