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by emwa

HUMAN RIGHTS/GENDER Mahlet is a Program Directress at the Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Center. She oversees programs and deals extensively with organizational development  and program management. Mahlet specialized in  International Human Rights Law. She received her master’s in International Human Rights Law from the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK Before joining EHRDC she worked with Catholic Relief Service (CRS) where she was responsible for coordinating the design and implementation, technical assistance on projects and advisory services on an emergency program specifically on issues of gender and protection. She has also extensive research experience and publications in which she investigates issues of women's rights such as the protection of internally displaced women, women's political participation, and Conflict-related sexual violence.

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  • Mobile Number: 251920894692

by emwa

LEGAL /COMMUNICATION Makeda is a project management, communication, and legal professional with 10 years of working experience on legal affairs, training, strategy development, communication and program coordination. Her career started as a legal expert in private organizations social security agency where she has developed her expertise as a legal professional, trainer and communicator on private pension law and Ethiopian labor law. Correspondingly, she has also worked on training coordination, research, partnerships with different government and private lead organizations. She has also worked as a Project Coordinator for World Bank funded program- Urban institutional and infrastructure development assisting Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission executing its responsibility in the program. Currently, she is working as Partnership Coordinator at Concern Worldwide Ethiopia. She holds Master’s Degree in Public relations and strategic communications, Bachelor of Arts in political science and international relations and also LLB degree in law. 

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  • Mobile Number: 251913575476

by emwa

LAW/GENDER ADVOCACY/PEACE/SECURITY/MEDIA  Meseret has a law background skilled in gender, advocacy & program management, particularly in women’s political participation in political decision-making, peace, and security, and women’s economic empowerment agenda. She has over 10 years of service in different fields, and various institutions; local and international CSO, NGOs as well as in media. Her professional carrier began as a sponsorship correspondent at the SOS Children Village Ethiopia. She has also served as the program coordinator for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Development & Inter-Church Aid Commission mainly focusing on coordinating field projects, at the Norwegian Church Aid, Oslo, Norway she has served in the capacity of Gender and Peace officer. She has taken and given various pieces of training on Gender, Feminism principles, Peace & Conflict, Community mobilization, and transformative leadership. She has joined Sheger FM 102 as a program co-host and writer, further going into the media landscape of the country as a trainer. Currently, she is serving as a program manager in the Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA). She is also currently serving on different committees for UNSC Resolution 1325 NAP development process & chairwoman of the CSO Forum on Women, Peace, and Security in Ethiopia also serving Ministry of Women & Social Affairs Technical Advisory Group member for the national Gender-Based Violence Policy, Global Advisory Board, Women’s Economic Empowerment Publish What You Fund and, Plan International Ethiopia Women Voice Leader Project Technical Advisor.

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  • Mobile Number: 251912684694

by emwa

LAWYER/JOURNALIST Saba is working in Asham Tv as a lawyer and program producer. She wants to bring more to the society and aims to participate in gender equality. She wants to bring more to the society and aims to participate in gender equality.

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  • Mobile Number: 251944721672

by emwa

SOCIAL JUSTICE/GENDER EQUALITY/WOMEN EMPOWERMENT  Selam has had the privilege of researching, assessing, and influencing laws and policies that impact the lives of women’s and vulnerable groups in Africa.  She also has rich experience in giving capacity building trainings and organizing events on issues of gender equality, women empowerment, harmful traditional practices, early marriage, human trafficking, protection, and fulfilment of human rights particularly for women, vulnerable groups and ethnic minorities. She has worked with government institutions, multilateral organizations, consulting firms, and NGOs, including Ethiopian Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Justice, Rural Land Administration, UNECA, The World Bank Group, USAID, DFID, GIZ, UN Women. She has MA in Gender Studies from Addis Ababa University, LLM in Criminal Justice from the University of Western Cape and LLB from Jimma University.   

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  • Mobile Number: 251911045035

by emwa

HUMAN RIGHTS/WOMEN RIGHTS/GENDER Tayechalem has PhD in Law from the University of Melbourne, Australia, LLM in Human Rights from  and MA in Gender Studies from Addis Ababa University. Her major training is on human rights, women’s and girls’ rights and gender studies. She has served as assistant Professor, (part-time) at the center for Human Rights, in School of Law and Governance, Addis Ababa University. She was also a project manager for East and Southern Africa in strengthening CSOs for ending child marriages. She also worked in Plan International African Union Liaison Office, and was an independent Consultant on Human Rights and Gender Equality in Sub-Saharan Africa. She served as Project Coordinator in enhancing the voices of Civil Society to end Child Marriage (Coordinating 4 countries - Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi & Zimbabwe- in advocacy project). She also served as a lecturer at School of Law and Governance Studies, Addis Ababa University & Institute of Federalism and Legal Studies and Civil Service University.  She has published research paper on  Counting Absence in Political Equality, a Gender Analysis of the New Electoral Law of Ethiopia, co-author (Publication September 2020); Feminist Research Methodology Training Module, UN Women - Centre for Human Rights, Addis Ababa University (2019); The Regulation of Violence: Child Wives, Custom and the Formal Law in Ethiopia, (2019 publication pending - Frankfurt University/Frobenius Institute). Among her conference Presentations the following can be cited. Preliminary findings of the research Developing a Transformative Human Rights Approach towards the Practice of (girl) Early Marriage in Ethiopia on Human Rights in an Age of Ambiguity Conference hosted by Fordham, University at its Lincoln Center campus, NYC in June 2016. (Published online); Child-Friendly Methods for Engaging children as Research Participants, Research with and For Children.

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  • Mobile Number: 250782519799

by emwa

HUMAN RIGHT/SOCIAL WORK/MEDIA/LECTURER  Yemserach is Law School graduate from Addis Ababa University. She did her masters in two professions: Human Rights and Social Work. Her professional experience includes working as reporter in Addis Fortune newspaper, Gender Office Coordinator in College of Natural Sciences of Addis Ababa University, Assistant Project Officer in FAWE, Advocate Assistant in a law firm and Program Director in Women's Strategic Development Center. Yemserach is an advocate for peace, girl's education, women and youth leadership and empowerment, human rights, environment, and many social causes. She is also part time consultant, trainer, and researcher in different governmental and non-governmental organizations. Yemserach is currently working as a lecturer in School of Law and Federalism, Ethiopian Civil Service University.

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  • Mobile Number: 251911890420

by emwa

HUMAN RIGHTS/GENDER SPECIALIST Zemdena Abebe leads Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) Network Ethiopia. As a Pan-Africanist womanist, she is committed to disrupting interlocking oppressive systems through her expertise in intersectional feminism, pacifist activism work, research, writing, multimedia -storytelling, community organizing, movement building, collective care praxis and transformational leadership. Her social justice advocacy work started in high school when she Chaired Addis Ababa Girls' Forum-which facilitated discussions and organizing amongst girls laying the foundation for reforming legislative intervention against sexual abuse in Ethiopia. As the first women president of Addis Ababa University Students’ Union: she reaffirmed the need for and organized various youth-led student movements despite the hostile university context. One of the 22 young African women selected as part of the writing for social change workshop organized by AWDF and FEMRITE in Kampala, Uganda. An alumnus of the prestigious Mandela Washington Fellowship. Amongst her multilayered affiliations, she sits on the advisory council of ActionAid Ethiopia. Zemdena is a graduate of Political Science & International Relations. Asserting the notion that African women and girls  have the right to a life free of patriarchal injustices, sexual violence and conflict :she has attended and organized peaceful protests ,lead the formation of women peace press clubs,  WHRDs coalition, migrant returnees association feminist peace lab , convened virtual and in-person safe spaces for marginalized women from diverse backgrounds, built the capacity of grassroots women on WSPs advocacy tactics, social media campaigning, as well as written Memos and common position paper on various topics including National Dialogue. Her writings of existence and resistance can be found on Pambazuka, Africa is a Country, HBF, African Feminism et al. 

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  • Mobile Number: 251911935524

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