by emwa

LEADERSHIP/DEVELOPMENT/TRAINER Ethiopia is a compassionate and visionary leader who has 20 plus years of experience on youth, women empowerment and girls’ education and leadership development programs.  She has been highly involved on various programs that aim the enhancement of young people in general and women and girls in particular. Inspired by the dedication of the then young leaders who decided to take part in stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS back in the late 1990s, her career journey begun as being a branch manager for a youth-led organization which strives not only to ‘Save the Generation’ from alarming HIV/AIDS and reproductive health problems but also envisions to build a productive active young citizen. Eventually, influenced by her own firsthand exposure and profound experience, Ethiopia has now become a prominent advocate for youth and women & girls participation in all developmental agendas of the country. Ethiopia has more than fifteen years of proven experience in delivering training and facilitation on different thematic areas such as reproductive health and HIV/AIDS, leadership, mentorship, life skills, presentation skills and gender at national and international level. She participated in the development of the HIV Stigma Action Tool Kit and she is an African Regional Trainer of this Tool Kit. Besides, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has recognized her as Transformational Leadership Facilitator. Currently, she is the Head of IIE Sub-Saharan Africa and Ethiopia office. Among her main responsibilities, overseeing the strategic direction and the overall management of the Institution, supervising the scholarship program, higher education services, leadership development initiatives and training.

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  • Mobile Number: 251911512708

by emwa

POLITICIAN Desta has politically engaged to solve the problematic political history of Ethiopia as a member of EPRP for the last three years. She worked as a clinical nurse for six years. She was a pharmacist and a lecturer at a university and she is a pharmacology candidate at Addis Ababa University.

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  • Mobile Number: 251913679287

by emwa

GOOD GOVERNANCE/CONFLICT MITIGATION Bethlehem is the Director and Editor-in-Chief at Horn Review. As co-founder, she oversees research and training programs, as well as the editorial process at Horn Review. Bethlehem holds a B.A. in Comparative Politics from Furman University and an M.A. in International Economics and Conflict Management from the Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Her research interests include intractable and identity-based conflicts, negotiation process and design, as well as climate change and the onset of conflict. Prior to her work at Horn Review, Bethlehem worked with the Ethiopian Ministry of Federal Affairs in the design of government approaches to preventing and managing conflict. She also worked with FARM Africa’s Building Resilience and Adaptation Against Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) project in assessing benefits of microfinance institutions in aiding low-income households recover from natural disasters. Most recently, she worked with the Center for Development and Strategy (CDS) as an External Relations Manager, and served as an Admissions Ambassador with the Johns Hopkins University SAIS from 2018 to 2020.

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  • Mobile Number: 251940121821

by emwa

POLITICAL PARTY LEADER Abebech is the head of the women department in Boro Democratic Party. She is also secretary of the Ethiopian Political Party Joint Council’s women wing. She has BA degree in Water Resources and Irrigation from Gondar University. She is now working in Benishangul region, Metekel zone, Debate Woreda as a team leader on clean water infrastructure construction and maintenance.

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  • Mobile Number: 251927809514

by emwa

HUMAN RIGHTS/GENDER SPECIALIST Zemdena Abebe leads Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) Network Ethiopia. As a Pan-Africanist womanist, she is committed to disrupting interlocking oppressive systems through her expertise in intersectional feminism, pacifist activism work, research, writing, multimedia -storytelling, community organizing, movement building, collective care praxis and transformational leadership. Her social justice advocacy work started in high school when she Chaired Addis Ababa Girls’ Forum-which facilitated discussions and organizing amongst girls laying the foundation for reforming legislative intervention against sexual abuse in Ethiopia. As the first women president of Addis Ababa University Students’ Union: she reaffirmed the need for and organized various youth-led student movements despite the hostile university context. One of the 22 young African women selected as part of the writing for social change workshop organized by AWDF and FEMRITE in Kampala, Uganda. An alumnus of the prestigious Mandela Washington Fellowship. Amongst her multilayered affiliations, she sits on the advisory council of ActionAid Ethiopia. Zemdena is a graduate of Political Science & International Relations. Asserting the notion that African women and girls  have the right to a life free of patriarchal injustices, sexual violence and conflict :she has attended and organized peaceful protests ,lead the formation of women peace press clubs,  WHRDs coalition, migrant returnees association feminist peace lab , convened virtual and in-person safe spaces for marginalized women from diverse backgrounds, built the capacity of grassroots women on WSPs advocacy tactics, social media campaigning, as well as written Memos and common position paper on various topics including National Dialogue. Her writings of existence and resistance can be found on Pambazuka, Africa is a Country, HBF, African Feminism et al. 

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  • Mobile Number: 251911935524

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