by emwa

ADVISOR VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT Mahlet studied international business management. Gained experience in marketing and agriculture programmes implementation and value chain development. She holds a Master of Arts Degree in International Business and Management from the Bradford University, UK and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Management from the Addis Ababa University. Mahlet Yohannes experienced in marketing, value chain development. She led various agriculture projects including dairy and forestry. She has also led the development of agriculture projects. She has experience in working with and supporting private sector actors to be linked to farmers and markets and become knowledgeable, efficient, and competitive in their business. Mahlet is well experienced in working with smallholder farmers. She is driven by her wish to bring market led solutions for the cause of farmers and to bring positive changes in their lives.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911732406

by emwa

PLANT PATHOLOGY  Kidist has PhD in Plant Pathology (Plant Disease): from Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Ghana. She has done her MSc in Plant Pathology at Hawassa University and completed her BSc in Horticulture in Jimma University. Her major area of study revolved in integrated pest management and food safety; in-vitro plant technologies; green-house gas assessment from agricultural landscape, science-policy interaction that is making science work for policy and management. She used to work as a lecturer: Forest protection, Agroforestry Department at Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources and was Junior instructor: Vegetable Production and Management at Dilla Agricultural Technical and Vocational Training Center.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251978249669

by emwa

AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY / RESEARCHER Hulubanche has MSc. in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology from Pan African University Institute for Basic Science Technology and innovation and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. She has BSc in Biotechnology from Gondar University. Her major training was on modern breeding for potato improvement, reverse engineering, Management of Commercial tissue culture, introduction and quality laboratory management system and acclimatization of tissue culture plants.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251583201938

by emwa

DEVELOPMENT / DISASTER MANAGEMENT Fatuma received her first degree from Civil Service University and her Master’s in disaster management from Semera University.  She is now serving in Women and Social Affairs Bureau as director of Women participation and mobilization Directorate.  Fatuma has participated in initiatives that aim to halt female genital mutilation in the Afar region. She proudly mentioned the success stories from Afambo and Abala Weredas and seven other weredas in which female genital mutilation practices are being halt. She is also working hard to ensure the economic empowerment and political participation of women in the region.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911903893

by emwa

AGRIPRENEUR Eden Aminu is a young organizational, business development and passion- oriented Engineer with special skills in effective organizational & project management, communication and team work. Passionately driven towards her interest, she has worked as an Agripreneur working towards planning and implementing solution-oriented agricultural and renewable energy project plans for smallholder farmers of different categories from its initial build up to pack down.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911120002

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