by emwa

ENERGY CONSULTANT Hiwot is well versed in energy related issues including options and protection of the natural resources. Has experience in energy consultancy, promoting biomass and cooking energy. In her more than 25 years’ experience she has developed a leadership quality.  Hiwote has MSc. degree in Renewable Energy from University of Oldenburg, Germany, and BSc. Degree in chemistry from Addis Ababa University. She has also got Diploma on professional Management by following a correspondence course given by Open University of UK in collaboration with A.A Commercial College. She was an International Energy Consultant. Based in Mozambique to support an organization in promoting biomass energy in general and addressing cooking energy aspects. She has specific expertise in the sustainable utilization of natural resources for improved food security through devising strategy for clean energy access (renewable energy resources) and implementation of projects, market development by also assessing the enabling environment of the sector, biomass energy conservation and cooking efficiency improvement and has also undertaken numerous energy studies including baseline surveys, stoves kitchen performance and impact tests plus project monitoring and general impact assessments.

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  • Mobile Number: 251930000772

by emwa

ORNITHOLOGIST/CONSERVATION BIOLOGIST Bruktawit is an ornithologist and conservation biologist currently based at the Kotebe University of Education in Addis Ababa where she works as an assistant professor. She has done several works at the field and internships in Ethiopia and other countries which helped to develop her practical bird survey skills such as conducting bird population surveys, bird ringing and raptor counts. She also carries out Environmental Education programs for kids to help them understand the importance of nature and birds. She did her PhD in the UK on one of the Critically Endangered endemic birds in Ethiopia, the Liben Lark in order to help its survival. She has also been an EDGE Fellow with the Zoological Society of London working on another Critically Endangered bird, the White-winged Flufftail in Ethiopia. Bruktawit is also a 2022 fellow of Women for the Environment Africa.

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  • Mobile Number: 251913865266

by emwa

AQUATIC ECOLOGIST/RESEARCHER    Banchiamlak is a staff of Bahir Dar University, and teach courses such as, fish ecology, fish biology, water quality management and introduction to wetland. She is actively engaged in the research and community service activity of the university. She also volunteers in civic associations such as Forum for Environment and, Society for Ecotourism and Biodiversity Conservation. She is a member of Ethiopian Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Association (EFASA), Member of Charitable Organization for Integrated Tana Basin of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia and Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP) and Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP).

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  • Mobile Number: 251918470646

by emwa

ENVIRONMENT/SOCIAL WORK Aynalem is a motivated individual with more than 19 years of experience in areas of Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (ESIA/ESMP), Land Acquisition and Resettlement Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, Corporate Social Responsibility, external relationship management, and community investment program development and implementation. Experienced in conducting assessment and implementation of UN Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and thorough understanding and experience implementing IFC performance standards. Her primary area of specialization is community and stakeholders relation, external relation, environmental and social impacts assessments and management, land acquisition and resettlement planning and implementation, E&S Due-diligence, small and medium-level business capacity building, media and communication, and social management of projects towards establishing social license involving applied experience derived through long-term engagement on community participation projects in the Oil and Gas, mining, and Geothermal energy projects. She has Master of Philosophy Degree in Culture, Environment, and Sustainability from the University of Oslo, Master of Arts Degree in Social Anthropology from Addis Ababa University, Diploma in Journalism and communication from Gimilikolen School of Journalism, Bachelor of Arts Degree in History from Addis Ababa University and certificate in Management of Community Benefits and Partnerships from the University of The Witwatersrand Johannesburg.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251929918495

by emwa

CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER/FEMINIST ADVOCATE Yordanos is a graduate in construction management, she has more than five years’ experience, she is currently employed at an interior works company. She is well known for her active feminist advocacy on social media. She is an ardent supporter of equal opportunity for women and boldly express her stand using different social media outlets.     

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  • Mobile Number: 251913336614

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