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GENDER/LECTURER/RESEARCHER  Mulumebet is associate professor at Center for Gender Studies, College of Development Studies, Addis Ababa University. She was director of the Institute of Gender Studies of Addis Ababa University from March 2008 to February 2010. She has a wide experience in research and fieldwork in various parts of Ethiopia. Her research works have mainly been in the areas of gender and education, literature, women’s networks, sexuality and reproductive health. Her research findings have been published in international journals and books. She has also participated at various national and international conferences and presented papers. Mulumebet has been involved in gender training and gender advisory work. She has served as board and advisory committee member of various local and international organizations.          

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GENDER/AUDIT/SOCIAL AFFAIRS   Mulumebet has BA degree in Political Science and International Relations and MA in Gender Studies from Addis Ababa University. She has worked for thirty five years in government organizations in different capacities mostly in managerial positions including :-Head of Women’s Affairs Departments in Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,]; Director, Gender, and Social Affairs Directorate in Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority;  Head, Administration and Finance Departments in Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD); and Office of the Federal Auditor General (OFAG);  Head, Organization and Management Division, (OFAG);  Head personnel administration and General Service in Ministry of Agriculture MoA;  Head, Division and Manpower Record and Statistics in Ministry of Agriculture. She has conducted gender audits for six different government and non-government organizations and produced Gender Mainstreaming guidelines. In addition, she has served as one of the team members in the preparation of Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines and Gender Training Modules by Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs (MoWCYA). As an associate member of the Ethiopian Management Institute (EMI), she has produced five training modules in relation to gender for “Gender Development Management Course” and provide trainings on different topics on gender. 

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GENDER CONSULTANT/CHEMIST Messeret has MA degree in Gender Studies from Addis Ababa University. She was enrolled at Abo Akadamia University in Finland as an exchange student and attended advanced course on ‘Feminist Perspective of Science Studies’. Having first degree in the field of science, Meseret has served as quality control Chemist and microbiologist for different organizations in her earlier days of work life.  After getting her second degree in Gender Studies, she joined the Women’s Affairs department at Geological Survey of Ethiopia, under the Ministry of Mines. She also has a track record, working in various sectors including the women’s affairs such as, human right, national election, house of representative, the road and transport, as well as the industrial sector.  She has been actively involved in the preparation of national gender related manuals, national gender mainstreaming, leveling and data base framework and Training module. She has been working as gender advisor and consultant for various organizations, these services include; preparation of training manuals and provision of training, conducting assessments, gender auditing, GBV/VAW risk identification, anti-GBV/SH policy and Grievance handling guideline preparation,  coaching and mentorships manual preparation, gender mainstreaming manual/GBV mitigation manuals and many more for projects sponsored by UNICEF, PACARD Foundation, World Bank, UN Women, African Development Bank.           

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GENDER POLICY/FEMINIST ADVOCATE Hilina is a gender policy and feminist advocacy expert. She has spent over a decade advocating for the recognition and fulfillment of women’s rights through national and regional law and advocacy mechanisms. She has served as a gender expert in human rights investigations, taught and conducted gender research at Higher educational institutions, led advocacy efforts under civil society organizations, and provided technical support for policy and law reform in Ethiopia. Hilina holds an LL.M in Law and Gender from SOAS, University of London, and LL. B in Law from Addis Ababa University. She is currently working as a gender and inclusion specialist at the United Nations Office in Vienna (UNOV).  

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GENDER/WOMEN EMPOWERMENT/JOURNALISM Hibiete is a gender expert with over 15 years of work experience with focus on Gender Equality, Women and youth Empowerment and Inclusion in development programs and institutional development. She has also worked in journalism and teaching sectors at her earlier career development. Hibiete is a trained training facilitator. She produces training modules, coaches training facilitation skills to partners and delivers training. She has MA in Social Psychology, and bachelor’s degree in foreign Languages and Literature. She is a graduate of the Executive Community Leadership Diploma Program provided by the collaboration of the Jönköping University (Sweden) and Addis Ababa University and sponsored by SIDA. She recently earned her diploma from Swedish Institute Management Program on Sustainable Management. She has work experience in Kenya, Tanzania and Japan in journalism, community development programs and the education sector. 

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