by emwa

PUBLIC HEATH/PHILOSOPHY/LECTURER Dagmawit (MPH, PhD) is a public health expert and Assistant professor of health promotion and qualitative research methods at Addis Continental Institute of Public Health. Served as a clinician, Health officer, in a rural Government hospital in, Gelemso, West Hararghe, prior to fully shifting to public health research and academia. She has far-reaching training in public health and research. She pursued her PhD in public health, with a focus area of adolescent girls Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and the role of social norms in sexual behavior. She teaches and advises graduate students. She has also been involved in leading different research projects as a coordinator as well as a technical expert. Her particular expertise includes qualitative and mixed research methods, health behavior and health communication. Dagmawit has experience in leadership of short-and long-term research and training projects including, but not limited to, SRH, Adolescent health, social norms, Health Ethics and Scientific writing, Monitoring and Evaluation of Nutrition, Health behavior and Non- communicable diseases. She also has extensive operational field research experience in various urban and rural settings in Ethiopia. She has numerous experiences collaborating with national and international organization for research and training projects. Dagmawit leads large-scale adolescent multi-national adolescent health research projects and published about 11 scientific articles as principal and co-author. She has also participated in and collaborated on different curriculum review workshops for health programs. She is a member of prominent professional associations such as EPHA, EHEPPA, EGLF and Global social norms LC. She is also affiliated with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health in national collaborations, including being a member of the adolescent and youth health thematic group of the RMNCAH/N Research Advisory Council (RAC) and the Seqota Declaration Urban implementation research team member.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911472281

by emwa

SURGEON/OTOLOGY   Bilen is an Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck specialist surgeon with a subspecialty in the field of Otology. She received her M.D from The University of Gonder, college of Medical and Health sciences and her specialty certificate in Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck surgery, from Addis Ababa University, college of Medical and health sciences. She has also received a sub- specialty certificate in the field of otology from University of Illinois- section of otology/ Neurotology, Ethiopian fellowship program. Blen is a member of Ethiopian Medical Association, secretary of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck surgery Processional’s Society Ethiopia and member and current treasurer of Hearing for Ethiopia Association.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911412864

by emwa

PHARMACIST/PUBLIC HEALTH/PROCUREMENT  Bezuayehu has nine years of experience, in public health commodity supply chain and rational use as Pharmaceuticals Quantification, Market Shaping, Capacity Building, and Inventory Management Officer for more than five years at the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Service (EPSS) Adama Branch and one year as Communication and Public relation deputy director of EPSS, for three years as Procurement senior officer and Procurement Advisor for the procurement of HIV/AIDS and TB Commodities at EPSS. Currently she is working as COVID 19 Commodity Procurement and Port Clearance Specialist at GHSC – PSM. In those working years, she has mastered vast experiences in key pharmaceuticals supply chain activities and communication skills like quantification, procurement, inventory management, and distribution of Pharmaceuticals to service delivery points. She is also experienced in organizing and delivery of different training, mentoring, TWG, workshops, and review meetings with and for key supply chain stakeholders with the ultimate goal to ensure commodity security. She is also involved in the pharmaceutical’s association and international association of public health logistics to share experience and contribute on her behalf to the development of the supply chain environment.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251912762776

by emwa

PULMONARY AND CRITICAL CARE PHYSICIAN Betelehem is a Pediatric Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician as well as an Assistant professor of Pediatrics and Child Health at Addis Ababa University, College of Health Sciences, Tikur Anbessa Hospital. She has been serving at various academic/research and clinical as well as management positions throughout her career. She was the head of the Department of Pediatrics and Child health at Haramaya University and worked as a General Practitioner. She also served on several University statutory bodies during her stay at Haramaya University. She is currently serving as the Deputy Head of the Department of Pediatrics and child Health at Addis Ababa University. In addition, she is a board member of the Ethiopian Pediatric Society. She has also been recognized for her community work with the Good Will Medical Mission and the Ethiopian Diabetes Association. She is also a member of the Ethiopian Thoracic society (ETS) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS).

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251913539706

by emwa

SURGEON/LECTURER Alpha is an assistant professor of orthopedic and trauma surgery, as well as a consultant surgeon. She has received her medical degree from Addis Ababa University in 2017. Her research interests include trauma care, surgical systems strengthening, preventing trauma-related death and disability, road and occupational safety, and osteoporosis, specifically fragility fractures. She has publications in reputable journals and is interested in implementing innovative measures to improve clinical service. She is an aspiring global surgery leader seeking experience in advocacy and evidence-informed policy development.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251913827282

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