by emwa

PUBLIC HEALTH Hiwot Solomon is director of Disease Prevention & Control, at the Ministry of Health. She is a PhD Candidate for public health in the University of South Africa. She has got her MSc in Public Health from Maastricht University and has completed her BSc in Applied Biology from Addis Ababa University. She has training in the following areas, TOT for TB, Leprosy, TB/HIV Management, International TB/ HIV Course for Managers at National & Sub national Level, Improve TB Laboratory Diagnosis in Countries with High Burdens of HIV/TB Co-Infections, Malaria Surveillance Planning & Management of Tropical Disease Control Programs, Malaria Entomology & Vector Control, Leadership, Management & Governance. She has experience as national Malaria Program Team Leader/ Program Manager: at the and Tuberculosis & Leprosy Officer at the Ministry of Health. She has publications in Malaria Journal (2021) (https://malariajournal. Malaria epidemiology and interventions in Ethiopia from 2001 to 2016. Infectious Diseases of Poverty (2018).

  • Mobile Number: 251910100255
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by emwa

PEDIATRIC SURGEON/LECTURER     Hana is a medical doctor with eight years of experience. Currently, she is working as Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Surgery in the Surgical Department of St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical Collage where she is responsible for performing surgical procedures on neonates and children, teaching and mentoring surgical residents and conducting health related research. She is also a Fellow of College of Surgeons of East, Central and South Africa. Dr. Hana is passionate about improving the pediatrics surgical care that is provided in Ethiopia where there is large unmet need. She is working to start a project that aims to raise awareness about pediatric surgical disorders. Her project also aims to incorporate quality improvement programs on neonatal surgical care. Dr. Hana was a Mandela Washington Fellow in 2022 and has attended a training on Civic Leadership in Rutgers University, New Jersey.

  • Mobile Number: 251913766868
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by emwa

PUBLIC HEALTH/CLINICAL NURSING    A public health specialist with a background of clinical nursing with vast experience working over 15 years in the areas of reproductive health, prevention and control of infectious disease mainly HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections and hepatitis. Provided clinical care at heath facilities, managed HIV/AIDS and related programs at national levels at Ministry of Health Ethiopia. She has a key role in the national and regional planning, monitoring and evaluation of the programs including capacity building, development of policy, strategies and guidelines and training manuals; involved in research work, proposal development and supervision.

  • Mobile Number: 251911646333
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by emwa

PUBLIC HEALTH/LECTURER   Fikerte is an instructor at Dagmawi Menelik Health Science College and has served the hospital for seven years. She has an MSc in Public Health from Haramaya University and PhD from the University of South Africa. She has BA in political science and international relations an MA in Gender Studies from Addis Ababa University. She participates in research and advises students in the fields of laboratory, pharmacy, nursing, nursing theory and practice. She was awarded CRC (caring respected compassionate health professionals) Award in 2016 from the Health Care Bureau.

  • Mobile Number: 251911417846
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by emwa

PHYSICIAN/SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Fasika is a medical doctor by training and is passionate about elevating health literacy and patient empowerment through innovative digital solutions. She runs a social enterprise in partnership with her husband.

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