by emwa

EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN Sofia is an Emergency Physician working in Tikur Anbessa Hospital under the Addis Ababa University and the Vice President of EMewa (Ethiopian Medical Women`s association).

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  • Mobile Number: 251911524442

by emwa

PUBLIC HEALTH/NURSE Senait is a passionate public health professional and oversees the design and delivery of programs and strategic plans for Lifebox in East and Southern Africa.  Senait also manages key partnerships across the region and leads Lifebox staff in Ethiopia. A nurse by training, Senait has extensive experience working in the hospital and healthcare sectors. Prior to joining Lifebox, Senait worked as a Public Health Consultant, and has previously worked at Jhpiego as a Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) Advisor as well holding various roles with organizations including Médecins Sans Frontières, AIDS Resource Center, and Intrahealth International. Senait earned her nursing degree from Gondar University, and her Mph from Addis Continental Institute of Public Health (ACIPH). Senait is part of the Lifebox leadership team.

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  • Mobile Number: 251911249596

by emwa

DERMATOLOGIST Ruth has more than 3 decades of experience as a physician and practicing Dermatology. Graduated from Addis Ababa University as a medical doctor in 1982 G.C. and specialized in dermatology at the University of Wales in 1995 G.C. She has worked in various capacities of leadership as a medical director of ALERT hospital and founded a private practice called RANK dermatology clinic in 2005 G.C. which has grown into a diverse portfolio of businesses. She currently practices dermatology at RANK Specialized dermatology clinic and run the business as a general manager.     

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  • Mobile Number: 251911237410

by emwa

HEALTH CARE/PUBLIC HEALTH Rania is currently the founder and Executive Director of Innova Healthcare Consultancy, a pioneer in consultancy services in the Ethiopian Healthcare Sector.  She has over ten years of experience in the healthcare sector of Ethiopia from a medical and public health perspective ranging from working as Senior Technical Advisor for the Federal Ministry of Health to introducing breakthrough structural and functional integrations to the Existing healthcare practices, a notable mention being the establishment of the Innovative Strategies and Operations office at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC). In her endeavors, she is more drawn to public health and strategic planning-related projects due to her passion for dynamic, demanding, and high-impact work. In 2010, she co-founded Telemed-Hellodoctor Ethiopia, a technology startup that increased healthcare access by providing medical telephone consultations to vulnerable populations. Rania built upon these experiences to develop balanced strategic decision-making skills and resolve systemic issues. She is also interested in providing a human-centered approach to healthcare solutions, as evident in her current role as a product development lead in ChePharma, a tech startup company that aims to bring seminal changes in the digitalization of the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. She received her medical degree in 2010 from Addis Ababa University Medical Faculty. In 2018, she completed an entrepreneurship master’s program at the University of Notre Dame.     

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  • Mobile Number: 251911488741

by emwa

PEDIATRIC ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON Nardos is an Orthopedic Surgeon with a sub-specialty in the field of Pediatric Orthopedics. She received her M.D and specialty certificate from Addis Ababa University, College of Medical and Health sciences. She has also received a sub specialty certificate in the field of Pediatric Orthopedics from Cure Hospital. She has both Specialty (Orthopedics) and Sub-specialty (Pediatric Orthopedics) certificate from College of Surgeons of East, Central and South Africa (COSECSA). She has received a Master’s degree in MPH from Jimma University with an outstanding score. She has won a Women Scholarship Program developed by American College of surgeons (ACS) and COSECSA in 2017. She is a member of Ethiopian Medical Association (EMA), Ethiopian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (ESOT), American College of Surgeons (ACS) and COSECSA. She is an executive committee member of Ethiopian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (ESOT)

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  • Mobile Number: 251911332105

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