by emwa

WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR/DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR  Hawi has graduated with Computers Sciences BSc from Addis Ababa University, working indifferent organizations for almost 14 years as a Lecturer, website Administrator, Infrastructure Team Leader, Database Administrator and currently she is working as ICT director in a Government Organization.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251947509855

by emwa

SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Lidya is product management professional working in digital financial services at Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia. She has been working as a Software developer and project manager for the past five years. She has MA in Project Management and has completed different technical skill certificate courses.

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  • Mobile Number: 251912447074

by emwa

COMPUTER ENGINEER/WEB DEVELOPER Sebah is a computer engineering graduate from the University of Gondar in 2019. She is also a Nativity Girls School alumna and has been working as a web developer for various Ethiopian companies ever since leaving school. Additionally, she is the head of communication and advocacy Team for the Yellow Movement, an organization dedicated to empowering young people to make positive changes in their communities. Sebah has always been passionate about technology and its potential to create positive change in society. After graduating from university, she decided to pursue a career in web development and quickly gained experience working with various companies. In addition to her work as a web developer, she also actively involved in the Yellow Movement, leading its efforts, helping to spread awareness about its mission and goals. Through her work with the Yellow Movement, Sabah hopes to inspire other young girls to take action and make a difference in their communities regarding gender equality and women’s rights. 

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251922600287

by emwa

TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEER/CYBER SECURITY Selamawit has MSc in Telecommunication Engineering from Addis Ababa University; MSc in Software Engineering from HiLCoE School of Computer Science and Technology, BSc in Computer Engineering from Microlink Information Technology College. She is trained and certified as Information Security Manager, Detecting & defending against cyber threat, cyber security Compliance Framework & System Administration; Cyber security roles; Process and Operating system security and big data analytics in telecommunication.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911516406

by emwa

SOFTWARE ENGINEER Sisay is a software engineer who is graduated from Haramaya University. Currently she is doing her MA in sociology. She has worked as a layout and graphic designer and head of Asian and African affairs and ICT directorate director at the mayor’s office of Addis Ababa

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251910793672

by emwa

LAW/DEVELOPMENT/LECTURER    Asnaketch has got her first degree from Jimma University in law, she pursued her Masters in law development from Warwick University. She is now pursuing her PhD in Law and development from a university in Netherlands. She has served as lecturer in Gondar, Addis Ababa and Bahir Dar Universities. Her PHD study focuses on article 35(4) and aims to safeguard the rights of women in traditional courts.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251918782385

by emwa

HUMAN RIGHTS/INTERNATIONAL SECURITY Dunia is an Ethiopian human rights lawyer who has been working with the American Bar Association’s Center for Human Rights where she coordinated the Center’s work  on Ethiopia through close collaboration with Ethiopia’s Democracy and Human Rights CSOs to ensure human  rights are prioritized and protected within the criminal justice system.  In her home country Ethiopia, Dunia worked with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Eastern Africa Regional Office (OHCHR EARO), the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment and the United Nations Children’s Fund. Through these roles, she supported the work of the African Union’s Social Affairs and Political affairs departments. Dunia was also admitted as a lecturer of law at Haramaya University Law School and has taught law in several universities in her country. In 2016, Dunia was named as the first Ethiopian/African woman to receive a National Security LLM with distinction from Georgetown University’s Women’s Law and Public Policy Program. Dunia received her Bachelor of laws degree from Bahirdar University, Ethiopia and her master’s degree in Human Rights from Addis Ababa University.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 5712127879

by emwa

HUMAN RIGHTS/WOMEN RIGHTS ADVOCATE/RESEARCHER Eden is an Assistant Professor of Law at Bahir Dar University. She has a master’s degree in law in Development from University of Warwick.  She taught Law for twelve years. Eden is a researcher, human rights defender as well as women’s rights advocate. She has publications on Women’s rights. Currently, she is serving as the Executive Director of the Association for Human Rights in Ethiopia (AHRE).

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251910921294

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