by emwa

DERMATOLOGIST Ruth has more than 3 decades of experience as a physician and practicing Dermatology. Graduated from Addis Ababa University as a medical doctor in 1982 G.C. and specialized in dermatology at the University of Wales in 1995 G.C. She has worked in various capacities of leadership as a medical director of ALERT hospital and founded a private practice called RANK dermatology clinic in 2005 G.C. which has grown into a diverse portfolio of businesses. She currently practices dermatology at RANK Specialized dermatology clinic and run the business as a general manager.     

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  • Mobile Number: 251911237410

by emwa

PUBLIC HEALTH/NURSE Senait is a passionate public health professional and oversees the design and delivery of programs and strategic plans for Lifebox in East and Southern Africa.  Senait also manages key partnerships across the region and leads Lifebox staff in Ethiopia. A nurse by training, Senait has extensive experience working in the hospital and healthcare sectors. Prior to joining Lifebox, Senait worked as a Public Health Consultant, and has previously worked at Jhpiego as a Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) Advisor as well holding various roles with organizations including Médecins Sans Frontières, AIDS Resource Center, and Intrahealth International. Senait earned her nursing degree from Gondar University, and her Mph from Addis Continental Institute of Public Health (ACIPH). Senait is part of the Lifebox leadership team.

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  • Mobile Number: 251911249596

by emwa

EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN Sofia is an Emergency Physician working in Tikur Anbessa Hospital under the Addis Ababa University and the Vice President of EMewa (Ethiopian Medical Women`s association).

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  • Mobile Number: 251911524442

by emwa

DIRECTOR SHALOM HEALTH CARE Winta is the CEO/Director of shalom healthcare solutions a medical equipment manufacturing and medicine importing company that is registered and well established in USA, Canada and Ethiopia. She is working hard to improve Ethiopia healthcare system by manufacturing quality PPEs with the aim of exporting to all neighboring countries.

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  • Mobile Number: 251911384456

by emwa

DIETITIAN/NUTRITIONIST  Zelalem is a doctor of Medicine and has BSc Dietetics and Nutrition with over 20 years’ experience working as dietitian in Hospitals and Community, in the UK and Ethiopia and has obtained her MSc in Dietetics in 2015. She studied at Jimma University and graduated as Doctor of Medicine, then Studied at King’s College London, and graduated with BSc Nutrition and Dietetics. She came back from the UK to Ethiopia to serve her people. She has opened her own clinic in 2011 and shared her knowledge in the areas of nutrition counseling and treatment. She is now working as a dietitian at Balance Health and Nutrition Consulting Plc. providing Medical Nutritional Therapy, care and advice for individuals and groups. Zelalem is an assistant professor at Addis Ababa University, center for Food Science and Nutrition. She is also the member of Mathewos Wondu Cancer Society, and Ethiopian Diabetes Association.

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  • Mobile Number: 251920032918

by emwa

NEUROSURGEON Yemisirach has graduated form College of Health Sciences, school of Medicine at Addis Ababa University. She has worked in Limu Genet district hospital to give public service and worked there for a year. She joined the neurosurgery residency teaching program and graduated as a neurosurgeon in 2018 G.C. She has been involved in different research activities and has interest in outreach programs organized by different institutions.  

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  • Mobile Number: 251911384456

by emwa

PEDIATRICS/CHILD HEALTH   Prof. Workeabeba is an Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, College Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University (AAU). She is also a Consultant Pediatrician and the first Pediatric Infectious Diseases sub-specialist at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH). Her research interests focus on childhood infectious diseases mainly pediatric HIV, hospital epidemiology, antimicrobial resistance, and antimicrobial stewardship. Currently, she is PI of the research project on surveillance of healthcare-associated infections and feasible laboratory-strengthening interventions for a sustainable clinical bacteriology sector to support antimicrobial stewardship at TASH. She has published over 75 peer-reviewed research articles in reputable journals. She has supervised research projects for several residents, besides clinical teaching, providing mentorship, and supervision of diverse groups of students. She has received the best scientific paper award from the Ethiopian Medical Association (EMA) in 2004 and a certificate of recognition from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) in 2018. She is fellow of the Young Academy of Sciences at the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences. She is member of the Editorial Boards of Ethiopian Journal Pediatric and Child Health and Ethiopian Medical Journal and Executive Committee (EC) member of the Society of Ethiopian Women in Science and Technology (SWiST). She is also member of technical and advisory groups for pediatric ART at the Federal Ministry of Health; Chair of Adverse effect following immunization (AEFI) at Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA), member of the National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG) and EC member for the National Certificate Committee (NCC) for Polio free status of Ethiopia. She is a founding member of the Women Health Research Working Group (WHRWG) at AAU. Currently, she is chair of Department of Pediatrics and Child health, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251911393188

by emwa

EMERGENCY/CRITICAL CARE/DISASTER RESPONSE Genet is a medical doctor; she did her specialty in emergency and critical care. She is looking forward in doing her sub-specialty in Disaster medicine. She is currently working at Alert Comprehensive Hospital as Emergency and ICU director. She has been working with Ministry of Health on crisis management and disaster response.

  • Email:
  • Mobile Number: 251913097637

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