By emwa — In — May 5, 2023



Yemserach Legesse Hailu

 Law & Human Rights / by emwa


Yemserach is Law School graduate from Addis Ababa University. She did her masters in two professions: Human Rights and Social Work. Her professional experience includes working as reporter in Addis Fortune newspaper, Gender Office Coordinator in College of Natural Sciences of Addis Ababa University, Assistant Project Officer in FAWE, Advocate Assistant in a law firm and Program Director in Women’s Strategic Development Center. Yemserach is an advocate for peace, girl’s education, women and youth leadership and empowerment, human rights, environment, and many social causes. She is also part time consultant, trainer, and researcher in different governmental and non-governmental organizations. Yemserach is currently working as a lecturer in School of Law and Federalism, Ethiopian Civil Service University.

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